Monday, March 28, 2011

week 12TH of my uni life

it;s last 2 weeks i study in UPM~
Graduate two wiks after~
too fast :(
i don wanna grad!
everyone went for job fair n urgently finding job
But me :( i donno wat i wan to do at all~
i got no idea wat to do~
can i study in whole my life?
tis wik is most busy ~
final assignment n presentation~
just enjoy the last tests and presentation in uni~
it will be memorable in my life
i miss kk :(

Ai ann Wedding

Ai ann's wedding on 26 march 2011~
All frens came bec
A nice gathering with u all~
although quite busy n rush!
i no bring along my camera :(
wish ai ann and andrew sweet forever~
< I wan Marry too :p >

Pretty bride and me :)


Levain-ing while after two wiks worked :)
Variaty of fresh toasts
Nice eggplant tomato sauce pasta arnd RM8

an open-air kitchen

Famous Colourful macaroon

cocao around Rm7

Will visit again~ A nice place to high tea!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


WORTH~ My beloved breakfast :)
Today went for McD,
a long queue up
The cashier said breakfast was sold out
All customers have to bought McLunch~
Some students leave with disappointed face~
I don't think it will out of stock~
It's just bout 10.30A.m!!
after half hour,
i saw a group of malays can bought the set with those coupons!!!!
The cashier's service also bad!
she use those unwilling face to treat customers with voucher~
Specially if u r CHINESE!!!

World's End?

Tsunami of Japan create many rumors
Is it world end soon?
Since i standard 4 my frens told me world will end soon
But i'm still alive until now~
What i will do if really world end?
i can stop to do my assignment now?can i?
I can visit my DingDing before it?
I can do all i wish before it?
Life really unpredictable~
Appreciate what we have right now
Stop to think back what we couldn't chase back~
I'm who I'm
Just do it :)
God blessed to Japan too~

Monday, March 14, 2011


My idol stef Sun
i love all her songs!
this new song~nice lyric^^
waiting for her concert :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Money Money~~Future Future ??

Insufficient of MONEY!!
where's all those jobs?
need money desperately for our krabi backpack trip xD

Graduate=x job
where i m goin?
what i gotta do?
Will i regret on my plan??
how i gonna accomplish it???
Hobby =/ job
How i can enjoy my job while earn money???
Many question marks in my head~
Can i further study??
be a baby forever?? :(
Who gonna be my baby-sitter forever ?? :(

You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me By, Cher (Lyrics) (Orignal)

I addict to this song~
I always told myself..
I won't getting hurt anymore~
summore those persons who hurt me and untrust me deeply ever..

I've been brought down to my knees
but i'll be back to my feet
Because you haven't seen the last of me :)
This is not the end ..

i love Burlesque
Life is like Burlesque too.. isn't it ?