Wednesday, December 29, 2010

wedding witness

My 1st time to be wedding witness
Sin li & liang wei 's witness
hmm.. quite silly...
a middle person earn for rm250
cause of skip some law procedure
i wonder this also can considered as a job
this considered as RASUAH too ><
well, i donno wat is the rule for wedding registration
just feel funny and fresh
cause was my 1st time :)
Erm it make me think of how's my wedding gonna be
will it as my wish
Go tibet? wearing red gaun front of the white palace?
this is the prettiest wedding i ever think :)
Wedding stil a far way for me
Moment now just enjoy youth's life with my love one
Congrate to liang wei & sin li :)
i wish u 2 be sweet forever =]

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Beach . Sun . Beer . Sing

TodAY is X'mas
I was lonely in home
i played for 10 days in KL
It's Time to bec home xD
Yeah we backpacked to many places
b4 the journey start, i was sick for 2days
It was terrible to take bus when sick
Nitemare for me ..
Last Destination, Langkawi
The 2nd time i went there
i love there very much
Hope next year go again ^^
I love our SDS
Bring lotsa funs to me since i knew them
this trip spent me alots
But it's worth to be poor n fatter xD
Thanks KK for take k me nicely when i was fever
It's sweet n touch :)
Thx for YY,Jane and Samson treat us as well when we visit their place ^^
I love my holiday :p
The Journey was Start :)SDS-ians in Langkawi...but no yy :(Me and KK..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady

All you had to offer
Was the promise of a lifetime of love

Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child

And I know
A love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

Dingding T.T
I had promised myself
U just a sweet memory in my life
I've to stop have this feeling
But mama really miss u
Tears T.T

Thursday, December 9, 2010

upside-down feeling

i expected my result will be failure
but it doesn't
pass all without dropping my CNGPA ^^
my mood damn good right now
Thanks god...
i can having a great tour to langkawi ~