Saturday, December 25, 2010

Beach . Sun . Beer . Sing

TodAY is X'mas
I was lonely in home
i played for 10 days in KL
It's Time to bec home xD
Yeah we backpacked to many places
b4 the journey start, i was sick for 2days
It was terrible to take bus when sick
Nitemare for me ..
Last Destination, Langkawi
The 2nd time i went there
i love there very much
Hope next year go again ^^
I love our SDS
Bring lotsa funs to me since i knew them
this trip spent me alots
But it's worth to be poor n fatter xD
Thanks KK for take k me nicely when i was fever
It's sweet n touch :)
Thx for YY,Jane and Samson treat us as well when we visit their place ^^
I love my holiday :p
The Journey was Start :)SDS-ians in Langkawi...but no yy :(Me and KK..

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